Asharami Energy, a Sahara Group Upstream Company, has achieved 1,852,052 man-hours without Lost Time Injury (LTI) across operations driven by responsible engineering and unwavering commitment to global occupational safety and health (OSH) standards.
This feat represents LTI-free man-hours
over 873 days of zero work related incidents, enabled by the company’s robust
Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) policies. In 2020, Asharami
achieved 1,712,295 LTI-free man-hours, a record that surpasses the industry
recording standard which is set at 1,000,000 LTI-free man-hours.
A key oil and gas sector OSH benchmark,
Lost Time Injury is a measure of injury or illness resulting from a
work-related event which involves lost days away from work or resulting in
downtime in operations.
Henry Menkiti, Chief Operating Officer,
Asharami Energy said the leading exploration and production company puts the
safety and health of its workers, partners, and stakeholders above all other
considerations. “We are delighted at achieving this feat of 1,852,052 LTI-free
man-hours as of March 31, 2021. At Asharami Energy, we have adopted
responsible HSSE policies which align our upstream operations, community
relations, procurement, environmental, social and governance impact with global
best practice. We are happy to be leading the charge towards promoting
sustainability in Africa’s oil and gas sector,” he said.

Menkiti said Asharami’s safety and health
protocols were instrumental to achieving hitch-free operations during the
covid-19 pandemic which literally caused global business disruptions. “Guided
by our Covid-19 Prevention and Early Detection Management Procedure as well as
consistent test administration, we recorded zero cases during the period that
had 2,136 employees actively involved in our operations,” he noted.
He said the company holds regular safety
and health awareness campaigns and training sessions targeted at employees and
stakeholders to ensure consistent levels of commitment to making safety
everyone’s business. “With almost 3,000,000 work related deaths annually and 4%
of the world’s GDP attributable to lost works days globally, all businesses
need to take proactive steps in mitigating workplace safety and health risks.
The sustainability of work today and work as we will know it to be in the
future depends on this.”
According to Menkiti, continuing
investment, technology, self-appraisals, and peer reviews will help the oil and
gas sector promote OSH standards which are critical to achieving sustainable
growth, inclusive employment, and decent work for all. He lauded the
contribution of Asharami’s employees, host communities and other partners to
the company’s sterling HSSE records, adding: “Asharami Energy will continue to
work towards sustaining and improving our safety machinery across all our
operational touchpoints.”
Asharami Energy is one Africa’s leading
independent Exploration and Production (E&P) Companies with a diverse
portfolio of 9 oil and gas assets in prolific basins across Africa. Asharami
Energy Limited and Sahara Energy Fields Holdings UK Limited are the entities at
the forefront of Sahara's upstream operations.
These assets are at various stages of
development ranging from exploratory fields to mature producing fields with
huge potential for positive returns.