A combination of strict adherence to best safety standards and operational expertise has earned Enageed Resource Limited, a member of the Sahara Group the record of one million man-hours loss time injury (LTI) free on the ongoing additional 126 square km seismic acquisition on OPL 274.
Enageed which hit the record on Friday March 21st 2014 has been shooting seismic over the difficult terrain of the 126 square kilometer in the Depo-belt of the Niger Delta basin using the Nigerian company Integrated Data Services Limited (IDSL) as the seismic contractor.
Enageed’s management attributed the feat to the company’s unwavering zero-tolerance to issues that could compromise safety as well as the commitment and enterprise of its staff who are grounded in the sound Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) policies of the company.
"Safety is the cardinal driver of all our operations and processes. This achievement reinforces the depth of our HSE policies and the unique bond of working and winning together which ties all our staff together as we continue to align our activities with globally acclaimed best practices. Although the terrain is extremely difficult, the best safety practices put in place by ERL have so far prevented an LTI on the operation." the company’s management said.
The seismic operation for the 126 square kilometer seismic started in June 2013 and is scheduled to end in April 2014. Over 1500 men were involved in the operation on the field which is wholly marine and cuts across two states of the federation.
In addition, five camps were situated through the prospect area and over 100 boats daily were used in this acquisition.
Enageed remains committed to exploring and implementing strategies that will drive all-round health and safety awareness within and outside the work place, whilst encouraging and empowering staff to embrace activities that will enhance their health and fitness levels.
Medical Test being conducted by crew nurse and Doctor
Swimming Test